Monday 1 October 2007

SkyFell - Intro Part 1

This is a little snippit that I wrote long ago by way of introduction to my home grown RPG. Feel free to mock my bad fiction skills.....

The Burning
By Gannon Fellstaff of the Deltrib.

How it happened, no one yet knows......
Why it happened, no one yet knows.......
When it happened, no one forgets......

"The day the sky burned was pretty much just a normal day, at least for the likes of me.
I was minding my own business, wandering the streets of Bravyet after a very nice lunch at the 'Playful Mare'.
I'd decided not to waste much more of my pittance of pay on another round of ale and that I should really walk off the 4 tankards that I'd had with the meat pie. You never could be sure of those meat pies, they had a tendancy to have rich gravy just to cover the "meat" from being identified and as such ale was a requirement just to wash it down
People were just being their usual noisy selves and the air around the marketplace was filled with all sorts of shouting, laughing, arguements and singing. I love the marketplace, the noise of the people and animals, the smells of fresh food and flowers, the sight of people busy with their lives and the clash of colours and hues.
I was just walking and minding my own business, not a care in the world........ then it got quiet and dark."

"I remember it started to get dark very quickly and I just shrugged it off, thinking the sun had gone behind a cloud untill I heard it, or rather didn't hear it.
The marketplace was quiet, the people stopped talking and shouting, the animals stopped barking and bleatting, the air became still. I looks up to see everyones face was turned to the West, over my shoulder, I followed thier gaze, I still wish I hadn't.
The Western sky was grey, deepening until it was jet black as my eyes moved southwards.
Then I noticed the shaking of the ground, the sway of the trees, the rattle of the marketstands.
Things got loud again, pretty quick.
People shouting, screaming, crying. Animals whining, scared and helpless.
Deep in the centre of the black, a pin prick to begin with, a small shaft of orange light piecered the sky.
Watching, the glow grew and flared until a ball of fire was streaking across the sky, moving northwest.
Seeing the trail of fire in the sky as it swept north over the horizon, made my eyes tear, the shear intensity of the light and the burning of the sky was imprinted and ingrain in my skull for the rest of my life.
After the mass moved past the horizon the shaking became worse until it exploded with a gut-wrenching tearing of the earth."

"I remember the return of the noise and light.
Some people started to scream and shout, asking what, why, how and what just happened, liek anyone in the back end of Bravyets merchant quarters had any idea. If they did they were liars anyway.
Others fell to there knees like it was some kind of sign of God or something, praying or begging for salvation, deliverance or something.
Most people were just stunned by what they had seen, unable to think of what to do so they just stood slack jawed......myself included.
I never seen the sky on fire and I doubt I ever will again.
That was the day of The Burning."

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