Sunday 4 November 2007


So the last post I did was about NaNoWriMo which a write a novel in a month competition where people try and complete a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of Novemeber. Kinda tough going, but fun for those that manage it.

In a simular vein there is WoAdWriMo, Worldwide adventure writing month. Basically write an RPG adventure in a month... in the case of 2007, the month of June. I was lucky enough to get my entry in 3 days into the start and handed in my finished article just within the final deadline.
It was tough going but so much fun to actually get something out of it. It really does give you an idea of the pressures that professional writers face day to day, from initial ideas to finished page.
If you ever get the chance try one of the one-month-writeathons... you won't regret it.

If your interested the final adventures from this years WoAdWriMo are posted here...
Mine is called "SkyFell" and is based upon the campaign world that I am in the process of writing

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